These dynamic apps allow users to explore the project data by geography, date, company, textile name and/or descriptors of the textiles found in archival sources (modifiers), and value of textiles, producing data visualizations.
Explore our growing database of textile samples and swatches by textile name (if you know it) or (if you don’t) search by attributes (modifiers) like color, pattern, process, weave structure, and fiber. (Github)
Textiles, Modifiers, and Values
Explore specific textiles in greater detail, like the quantities, total values, or per-piece values of imported or exported textiles over time or across geographies. Users can compare different types (modifiers) of a given textile. (Github)
Search the textile data set by a range of archival modifiers—including color, pattern, process, fiber, or quality and visualize this geographically and infographically. Identify specific textile names of interest based on modifiers and geography. (Github)