Primary sources for the project data:
The source of a given data point is indicated in the “Source” column of our data set, which is downloadable in full here. Subsets of the data can be downloaded through the apps. VOC and WIC archival sources are identified by Dutch National Archive inventory numbers, often followed by page numbers (scans). Data drawn from the Boekhouder-General Batavia are indicated as bgb_##### indcating the voyage number in that database. Newspaper sources indicate the date and publication in abbreviation. Formerly, VOC entries indicate a source number (src_#####), for which further information can be drawn here. Dates of shipments may be cross-referenced in Slave Voyages, Dutch Asiatic Shipping (DAS) or the appendices of Johannes Postma and Henk den Heijer (see bibliography below), as indicated in the “orig_date_src” or “dest_date_src” column. When dates are derived directly from the document, the archives, or are estimated, this is indicated with the abbreviation “doc,” “arch,” or “est”).
Nationaal Archief (Dutch National Archives), The Hague. (abbreviated NA)
- New West India Company (WIC), catalogue reference
- United East India Company (VOC), catalogue reference 1.04.02
- Hudde Collection, catalogue reference 1.10.48, inv. nr. 17
Delpher (Historical Newspaper Database). Accessed March 4, 2023.
Hollandse Mercurius (Periodical), Haarlem: Pieter Castelyn, 1651–1691. Consulted at the Newberry Library, Chicago.
Schoonveld-Oosterling, Judith, et al. Bookkeeper-General Batavia: The Circulation of Commodities of the Dutch East India Company in the Eighteenth Century. Amsterdam: Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, 2008–2013. Accessed February 13, 2023. (abbreviated BGB). With thanks to Rik Hoekstra for sharing this data, under CC-BY (NC/SA 4.0).
Slave Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database. Accessed February 26, 2023.
J.R. Bruijn, F.S. Gaastra, I. Schöffer, with E.S. van Eyck van Heslinga, Dutch-Asiatic Shipping in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Accessed March 4, 2023. (abbreviated DAS)
Additional primary sources:
Zeeuws Archief (Zeeland Archive), Middelburg. Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie (MCC), 1720–1889, archive number 20
“Stages of the Voyage: Textiles in the Slave Trade,” in On Board the Unity, Zeeland Archives, (accessed February 13, 2023).
Nationaal Archief (Dutch National Archives), The Hague. Dutch Factory in Canton, catalogue reference 1.04.20
Rigsarkivet (Danish National Archives), Copenhagen.
- West Indian-Guinean Company. Letters and Documents from Guinea, no. 446, series 121 (1705–1722). (,59112645)
- “Prove Bog fra Guinea, inkommen med Skibet Christiansborg, den 17 Aug. 1727” (Sample book from Guinea, arrived with ship Christiansborg). West Indian-Guinean Company. Letters and Documents from Guinea (1683–1754), folder 1722–1731. (,59112920)
- Den Kongelige Dansk Manufakturhandel (Royal Danish Manufactory), no. 379: Diverse ostindiske klædevareprøver (Assorted East Indian textile samples), 1788–1817 (,89149914)
Secondary Sources
This is not an exhaustive list of all material consulted or referenced in the Visual Textile Glossary on this site, it is meant, instead, to reflect main sources used in our research.
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Anderson, Carrie. “From Textile to Text: Cloth, Slavery, and the Archive in the Dutch Atlantic.” In Making Worlds: Global Invention in the Early Modern Period, edited by Angela Vanhaelen and Bronwen Wilson, 58–84. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022.
Anderson, Carrie. “Mapping Colonial Interdependencies in Dutch Brazil: European Linen & Brasilianen Identity.” Artl@s Bulletin 7, no. 2 (2018): 56–70.
Anderson, Carrie. “From ‘grof’ to ‘fijn’: Blue-and-White Textiles in the Dutch Atlantic Market.” In Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of World Textiles, vol. 6, Trade and Industry, edited by Brenda Mondragón Toledo, Mariachiari Gasparini, and Anna Arabindan-Kesson. London: Bloomsbury, forthcoming.
Anderson, Carrie, with contributions by Marsely Kehoe. “Textiles and Trade in the Dutch Atlantic World: Albert Eckhout’s African Man and Woman.” In Legacies of the Dutch Slave Trade: Curating Histories, Envisioning Futures, edited by J. Sheers Seidenstein, S. Mallory, et al. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, forthcoming.
Anderson, Carrie and Marsely Kehoe, co-authors and co-editors, Special Issue: Textile Circulation in the Dutch Global Market, Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art 15:1 (Winter 2023).
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